In most cases, our fees are paid by the private equity firms we source deals for. Our key objective is to create a situation where all involved benefit - the business owner, the city and state where the business is located, the private equity firms we work with, and of course, our company. We provide business owners with choices and options that can benefit them and keep their business in their community while providing them with financial partners that can help the business to remain vibrant and become even stronger contributors to the local, regional and national economy.
What We Do
Download our article "IS IT TIME TO EXPAND OR TO EXIT?"
We work with private equity investment firms to help them find suitable privately-held businesses in industries with revenues and profits that interest them. Working with these firms, we can present private businesses a number of viable exit strategies which provide liquidity for current owners and facilitate a family succession plan if the older generation desires to retire from the business.
There are two very positive attributes of these solutions:
1) No cost to the business in most cases. Unlike business brokers or investment bankers that charge business owners substantial fees, retainers, and additional costs, the business owner(s) do not have to pay us a fee in most cases. The firms we work with usually pay our fee resulting in more money to the owners.
2) The firms we work with can enable businesses to continue, thrive and grow.
The following are some specific types of scenarios, needs or desires that business owners and executives often have and what our resources can present to business owners as part of their exit or growth strategy:
Recapitalizations: Company owners often seek a recapitalization of the Company in order to achieve what may appear to be conflicting goals: the sale of a significant portion of the business to create personal liquidity thereby diversifying personal assets, while retaining a significant stake in the business to permit participation in the future growth. Both of these goals are well served by a recapitalization from one of our resources, particularly given their successful track record for recapitalizations.
Family Succession Recapitalizations: In the life of family businesses, there often comes a time when a recapitalization is necessary to transition ownership from one ownership generation of the family to another, to create liquidity and diversification in an estate, and to ensure that the next generation gets their opportunity to run and grow the business. Our resources have an extensive history of successfully navigating family dynamics and achieving the often differing goals of different family members.
Management Buy-Outs: When incumbent managers have the opportunity to buy the company or division that they run but do not own, they need a financial partner with the credibility, funding and the experience to get the deal done. They want a partner who will treat the manager(s) generously, afford them significant ownership interest, and serve as an effective partner for growth. Our resources have proven to be highly effective partners in MBO’s of privately held companies, as well as divisions of Fortune 500 companies. If a management team has its own wherewithal to fund their own buyout or acquisition of the business, our resources can help them structure the transaction and secure financing to supplement their contribution.
Management Buy-Ins: Company owners face profound challenges in the sale of their businesses or divisions when there is need for talent at the most senior levels of management. When asked, our resources have successfully recruited outstanding leadership, enabling this challenging type of transaction. We believe it is important to recruit not only the correct technical talent, but also deliver the right personality fit that respects the company's culture. Moreover, our resources have proven to be outstanding partners to recruit senior managers by sharing equity generously and helping to build value.
Industry Consolidations. One of the greatest opportunities for business owners and equity investors to build value is found in fragmented industries where solid management teams have the ability to grow through add-on acquisitions. We work with some of the nation's most active and successful consolidators of industries starting with lower middle-market companies. Such consolidations entail partnering with a platform company and backing its owner/operators in the acquisition of several strategically attractive add-on companies. Some of their consolidation projects have grown in profit tenfold, enjoying significant value creation, particularly given the purchase price multiple expansion realized because of increased size and economies of scale. These resources have demonstrated a healthy balance between the ability and desire to create precipitous growth, and the understanding that sufficient infrastructure and management talent must exist to ensure that the growth is both profitable and sustainable.
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